Parents with Hope

Parents With Hope

A Dream Deferred

The Sieners Family

In 2006, the Sieners had big dreams for the future. Proud parents of a 3-year-old girl, they eagerly awaited the arrival of twin boys in late March 2007. When Leigh Ann went into premature labor on December 23, their hopes for two healthy newborns vanished. Born at only 25 weeks’ gestation, the babies’ lives hung in the balance. They were transported by emergency medical helicopter to the Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Saint Francis Medical Center.

With highly sophisticated care and loving attention, the twins won the battle to survive and were discharged nearly three months after their tenuous arrival. While the experience has left an indelible footprint on their lives, the Siener family is back together at home — living a new dream.

The birth of a baby is a time for great joy and expectation. When a child is born too soon, however, those hopes turn into fears. As parents of premature twins, Jason and Leigh Ann Siener experienced this emotional roller coaster firsthand. They also saw that in addition to worries about a baby’s health, many families face enormous financial and life pressures.

That is why the Sieners created the Parents With Hope fund. It provides financial assistance to families of premature or critically ill newborns in the Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Saint Francis Medical Center. By supporting this vital work, you can help families in need, too. The Parents With Hope brochure highlights the contributions the Saint Francis Foundation has made in greater detail.

Tiny Babies, Big Challenges

Because Saint Francis’ Level III NICU is equipped to care for the smallest and most critically ill newborns, it serves families throughout the region. Many travel long distances and spend months away from home and work while a child receives care. Some are not able to see their babies often because they cannot afford gas or a hotel room. Parents With Hope provides financial assistance for transportation, housing and day care needs during a newborn’s stay.

Since the program’s inception, more than 1,200 families in the region have been assisted, more than 9,200 hotel rooms have been provided at no charge to parents and more than $552,859 has been spent to help offset the cost of fuel expenses and hotel rooms.

Give Hope

We invite you to make a contribution to the Parents With Hope fund. Your gift will help ease the burden for families during a frightening and stressful time. It can inspire hope — and many new dreams.

For more information, call 573-331-5133 or email

Use the form below to donate online, or download a Printable “Parents with Hope” Donation Card